10 Things I Hate About You

(and some!)

One man's rants against those who try their hardest to make life difficult.

Location: Kent, United Kingdom

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Driving Miss Daisy

Ok...who's bright idea was it to market 4x4 off-road vehicles to UK middle-class England? Stand up and be counted. More to the point, why do people buy them? They're ugly as hell, too big for many roads, hated by the majority of "normal" car drivers and selfish as hell.

Come on...who actually lets one of these things out into traffic (apart from other 4x4 drivers)? Who actually thinks they look good (apart from other 4x4 drivers)? Who would willingly consign the buggers to the scrapheap (apart from other 4x4 drivers)?

There's nothing worse than parking your car and coming back to find one of these monstrosities next to you. How the f*&k are you supposed to see round it to get out? Not that the driver of the bloody thing gives a monkey's. As long as they're alright Jack, sod everyone else. They'll probably argue that they bought it for the safety factor! Yeah right - aside from the fact that they probably cause more accidents than any other type of vehicle simply by obstructing the view of other drivers, that attitude is pretty typical of society today..."if i have an accident I'll be OK and the other driver will come off worse". And how right they are...

Imagine being shunted by one of those things. Little point in medical insurance if you're not going to be around to use it. Best advice to non 4x4 drivers...stay off the roads til the Schoool Run's over! Like you need those things for 2 kids and a dog! They were built for off-roading and thats where they should stay...out of harms way and in the hands of people who know how to drive them.

Buy a bloody Volvo if safety, space and being universally disliked on the roads are your main concerns.



Blogger musafir said...

Wait till the ugly monsters outnumber
regular size cars. Already a fact in some parts of the USA, including the
Silicon Valley where I live. Also,
almost all SUV drivers seem to like a cell phone (mobile phone) stuck to their ears.

7:57 PM  

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