10 Things I Hate About You

(and some!)

One man's rants against those who try their hardest to make life difficult.

Location: Kent, United Kingdom

Thursday, February 10, 2005

You've Got Mail

Spam spam spam. Everyone gets it but are people really stupid enough to click it, or answer it? Guess they must be or I wouldn't have received 21,000 spams in the last 7 days! Seriously...thats how many my Spam filter has intercepted...21,000!! That's 3,000 a day - or 250 an hour, or 4.16 a minute. Do they really expect me to care about their half-arsed products?

Thank God i put that filter in place (www.spamarrest.com - $34 p.a.). In the past 9 months since I signed up, 95.83% of the 210,000 emails i've received have been spam! I can laugh 'cos i never see them, but I pity those who do.

Even if i did get an email with something interesting in it now, I wouldn't click it or reply on principle. It beats the hell out of me why people act so dumb sometimes. The more people use it, the more we'll get. Fact of life: "live with idiots, get branded an idiot". Simple really.

And now, to top it all, as I write this entry, what do I get? An answering machine callback on the phone which (as it invariably does) starts "Congratulations...". Couldn't tell you what happens after that 'cos thats as far as I let them get.

If you're reading this, do everyone a favour...IGNORE THE BASTARDS!!



Blogger evi said...

wait till u get spam sms. it's much more annoying than spam emails.

1:14 PM  

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